All awards

Displaying 201 - 250 of 370 Awards

Award Recipient Sort descending Award date Award Type
Use of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of Hepatic Lipid Content and Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism in Patients with HIV and HCV Infection Giorgos Sakkas, PhD Spring Mentored Scientist Award
Atrial Fibrillation in HIV Infection Jonathan Hsu, MD, MAS Fall Mentored Scientist Award
Molecular Mechanisms of Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Treated HIV Infection Daniel Brenner, MD, PhD Fall Mentored Scientist Award
The Importance of Routine Viral Load Monitoring: The Effect of Delayed Regimen Modification Following Virologic Failure of First-Line Antiretroviral Treatment among HIV-Infected Adults in Sub-Saharan Africa Maya Petersen, MD, PhD Fall Mentored Scientist Award
Predictors and Optimal Diagnostics of Placental Malaria in Tororo, Uganda Veronica Ades, MD, MPH Fall Mentored Scientist Award
Augmentation of Peripheral T cell Function A.J. Middlebrook, PhD Spring Mentored Scientist Award
CD96 Regulation and the Impact on T Cell Effector Functions during HIV-1 Infection Emily Eriksson, PhD Fall Mentored Scientist Award
The Influence of Duel Pressure from Antiretroviral Therapy and Anti-HIV-1-Specific CD8+ T cell Responses on Drug Resistance Development Annika Karlsson, PhD Spring Mentored Scientist Award
Determination Whether HIV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell Responses are Associated with the Control of Drug-Resistant HIV Replication in Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Brinda Emu, MD Spring Mentored Scientist Award
Structure-Function Study of Semen-Derived HIV Enhancing Amyloids and Their Interactors Haichuan Liu, PhD Spring Basic Science Award
Identifying the Killing Pathway that Mediates CD4 T-cell Depletion in HIV-Infected Lymphoid Tissues Zhiyuan Yang, PhD Spring Basic Science Award
Human Macrophage Heterogeneity in HIV-1 Infection Wes Yonemoto, PhD Spring Basic Science Award
Hyperthermia and HSP90AB1 Facilitate HIV Infection Pheroze Joshi, PhD Fall Basic Science Award
Study of Tat Lysine 41 Post-translational Modification in HIV Transcription Gregory Camus, PhD Fall Basic Science Award
Understanding the Role of Inflamasome Activation in AIDS Progression Kathryn Monroe, PhD Fall Basic Science Award
HIV Transcription Inhibition by Newly Identified p300 Inhibitors Kotaro Shirakawa, MD, PhD Fall Basic Science Award
SAHA Induced Mechanism of HIV Reactivation from Latency Koen Bartholomeeusen, PhD Fall Basic Science Award
Differential Regulation of Basal and Tat-mediated HIV Transcription by Acetylation of P-TEFb Sungyoo Cho, PhD Fall Basic Science Award
Expanded Cellular Tropism of Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 by a Trans-Receptor Mechanism Roberto Speck, MD Spring Basic Science Award
Role of Chromatin Remodeling in HIV Transcriptional Regulation Shweta Hakre, PhD Spring Basic Science Award
The role of transcriptional interference and inhibition of transcriptional elongation in HIV latency Valentina Lenasi, PhD Spring Basic Science Award
HIV-1 Specific CTL in Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) Barbara Shacklett, PhD Spring Pilot Award
Drug and Alcohol Abuses, Risky Sexual Behaviors, and HIV Risk among Sex Workers and Their Clients in Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia: A Pilot Study and Assessment of Prevention Opportunities Marie-Claude Couture, PhD, MSc Fall Pilot Award
Mobilizing the Humoral Immune Response against Human Endogenous Retroviruses to Control HIV-1 Viral Replication Henri-Alexandre Michaud, PharmD, PhD Fall Pilot Award
Provision of Extended Nevirapine to Breastfeeding Infants to Reduce Postnatal Transmission of HIV in a Resource-limited Setting: Feasibility, Safety and Effectiveness in a Real world Setting Khady Diouf, MD Spring Pilot Award
Sexual Transmission of Drug Resistant Virus among HIV-Positive Men and Women Gregory Greenwood, PhD, MPH Spring Pilot Award
Inhibitors of APOBEC3C and HIV Mutation Khaoula Bourara, PhD Spring Pilot Award
The Diagnostic Utility of Bone Marrow Aspirate Cultures Versus Blood Cultures for Detection of Mycobacterium Avium Complex in AIDS Patients Judith Aberg, MD Spring Pilot Award
Discontinuation of Antifungal Therapy for Cryptococcal Meningitis Following Immunologic Response to Antiretroviral Therapy Judith Aberg, MD Spring Pilot Award
Defining Immune Correlates of Protection: HIV-specific CD4 Rachel Owen, PhD Spring Pilot Award
Enhancement of clinical research and data analysis skills for the analysis of the effects of women's HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes and testing status on their infant feeding intentions and practices. Janet Turan, PhD, MPH Spring Fogarty Award
Formative Research for the Adaptation of an Intervention of HIVAIDS Service Providers on Gender-Based Violence in Rural Western Kenya Janet Turan, PhD, MPH Spring Pilot Award
Characterization of the Epstein Barr Virus BMRF-2 Gene and its Role in the Pathogenesis of Hairy Leukoplakia Laurel Lagenaur, PhD Spring Basic Science Award
The Kinetics of Primary Viremia in Macaques and Sooty Mangabeys Infected with Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Mark Feinberg, MD, PhD Spring Basic Science Award
Identification of Novel HIV Co-Receptors and Characterization of Their Role in Viral Transmission Laura Digilio, MD Spring Basic Science Award
The Biology of Coreceptors for HIV and Chemokine Receptors in vivo as a Factor in Regulating HIV Disease Progression Mark Goldsmith, MD, PhD Fall Basic Science Award
Transgenic Rabbits and HIV Infection Mark Goldsmith, MD, PhD Spring Basic Science Award
Molecular Biology of HIV Macrophage Infection Kathleen Page, PhD Spring Basic Science Award
High CD8+ T cell Activation Associates with HIV Disease Outcome Jason Barbour, PhD, MHS Spring Basic Science Award
BRD4 Overexpression Increases the Propensity for Proviral Latency and Determine how this Relates to HIV Latency in vivo. Dwayne Bisgrove, PhD Spring Basic Science Award
Sampling and Analysis of Thoracic Duct Lymphocytes in HIV+ Patients Matthew Callaghan, MD Fall Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR) Program
A Super-agonistic antibody to human IL-21 to boost immunity for HIV cure Di Yu, PhD Fall Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR) Program
Impact of Integration Site Selection on HIV Persistence Rik Gijsbers, MD Fall Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR) Program
Development of a diagnostic T cell assay to confirm disruption of latent HIV-1 infection Nilu Goonetilleke, PhD Fall Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR) Program
Targeting Antiapoptotic Signaling for Eradication of HIV Latent Reservoir Haishan Li, MD Fall Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR) Program
Defining and Eliminating the Macrophage Reservoir Jonah Sacha, PhD Fall Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR) Program
Targeting NK cell activity to eradicate the HIV-1 reservoir Eileen Scully, MD, PhD Fall Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR) Program
Impact of CMV replication on the HIV-1 latent reservoir Sara Gianella Weibel, MD Fall Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR) Program
Raltegravir Transplant Immunosuppressant Interactions: Predicting the Unexpected Lynda Frassetto, MD Spring Pilot Award
AIDS Research Training and Collaborative Research in Zimbabwe Jody Lawrence, MD Fall Fogarty Award