This guest speaker series, managed by the Substance Use Program of Research (SUPR) subcore of CFAR's Bio-behavioral core, features visiting experts who are leading research on the intersection of HIV and Substance Use. Guest speakers will share projects that are accelerating efforts to eliminate HIV among people who use substances and elevating the health of people living with HIV who use substances. All are welcome!
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Elena Cyrus, PhD
Support for Adults with Active Substance Use Living with or at risk for HIV: Role of Sobering Centers in the Care of Acute Intoxication
Save the Date! Working with the Community on HIV/SU Research and Interventions
Best Practices for Conducting Research Among People Affected by HIV Who Use Substances
Mission Hall 6500
Lunch will be servedCommunity-Based Participatory Research for People who Use Substances and the Role of Community Advisory Boards
Caravella McCuistian, PhD,
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Director of Special Projects, Division of Substance Abuse and Addiction Medicine. -
UFO Study: 17 years and then... (HIV in young adult people who inject drugs)
Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH, MS
Distinguished Professor, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Director, Southwest Clinical Trials Node, National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network -
The UCSF CFAR Substance Use Program of Research (SUPR) and the Biomarkers of Behavior Sub-Core Networking Lunch and Seminar
The UCSF CFAR Substance Use Program of Research (SUPR) and the Biomarkers of Behavior Sub-Core are hosting a networking lunch and featuring two speakers focused on substance use and HIV on January 18 from 12:30 - 3:30PM PT
Please join us!
Intersection of Substance Use & HIV Risk among Young Adults
Developing Sustainability Approaches to Address Unhealthy Alcohol Use in HIV Care Settings
Lessons Learned from Two Decades of Research on HIV and Related Syndemics on the Mexico-US Border