The Intersection of Misogynoir: Obstetric Racism & HIV, a three-part series
The Intersection of Misogynoir: Obstetric Racism & HIV, a three-part series
Historical and contemporary context of Anti-Black gendered racism, misogynoir, and obstetric racism: frameworks, theories, and concepts in relation to HIV-related stigma and patient health care experiences
The Pacific AIDS Education & Training Center, HIVE, and the National Clinician Consultation Center, invite you to attend this three-part series.
The Intersection of Misogynoir: Obstetric Racism & HIV, a three-part series
Speaker: Dr. Karen A. Scott, MD, MPH, FACOG
Session #1: Historical and contemporary context of Anti-Black gendered racism, misogynoir, and obstetric racism: frameworks, theories, and concepts in relation to HIV-related stigma and patient health care experiences
November 12, 2021 @ 9:30am-11am -
CFAR Excellence Awardees Presentation 2022
Each year the UCSF-Gladstone Center for AIDS Research recognizes the work of remarkable early-career investigators in translational, behavioral, clinical, and basic science. The Early-Career Research Excellence Awards are given at the CFAR Future Leaders in HIV Annual Research Symposium, where recipients give brief presentations on their current work.
CAPS/PRC Town Hall presents: Morgan Philbin, PhD, Columbia University
CAPS Qualitative Working Group Presents Qualitative Interviewing Strategies
UCSF Town Hall: 40 Years of AIDS
Addressing Substance Use in HIV Care: An I-SURC Symposium
Addressing Substance Use in HIV Care: An I-SURC Symposium
12:00 EDT/ 9:00 PDT - Introduction
"Introducing the Inter-CFAR Substance Use Research Community (I-SURC)"
Christopher Kahler, PhD
Brown University12:10 EDT / 9:10 PDT - Alcohol
The DEM Seminar Series: Eileen Scully, MD, PhD
The DEM Seminar Series brings people together to learn about one another’s works in progress in an open and friendly exchange, with the goal of promoting collaboration and appreciation of local science. Talks can range from presentation of research ideas to works in progress to nearly complete research. Technical issues or new technology are also welcome for discussion.
Part of: The Intersection of Misogynoir: Obstetric Racism & HIV, a three-part series
Historical and contemporary context of Anti-Black gendered racism, misogynoir, and obstetric racism: frameworks, theories, and concepts in relation to HIV-related stigma and patient health care experiences
Speakers: Julia McQuoid, PhD, OUHSC and Chad Campbell, PhD, UCSF
Interrogating the promise of biomedical HIV technologies: Health disparities and the rollout of long-acting injectable ART and PrEP
Session 4: Of Hesitancy and Harm Reduction
Presented by the Inter-CFAR Substance Use Research Community (I-SURC)
Session 3: Risk and Decision-making in a Climate of Uncertainty
Session 2: Community Engagement: Representation & Respect