Meeting / Retreat

The New Vaccines, Attitudes Toward Vaccination, and the Biden Covid-19 Task Force

UCSF Department of Medicine Covid Grand Rounds

In this UCSF Department of Medicine Covid Grand Rounds, we’ll begin with a discussion of the new vaccine candidates. Just in the past few weeks, we’ve seen new data regarding several vaccines, including J&J, AstraZeneca, and Novavax. Dr. Monica Gandhi will review these new data, and discuss the implications for vaccine supply – and why it’s appropriate to be optimistic about vaccines, even in the face of a sluggish roll-out and the threat of variants. She’ll add a few thoughts about whether vaccinated people can change behavior. Dr. Marguerita Lightfoot then shares insights regarding communicating about vaccines – particularly to communities of color. Finally, Drs. Robert Rodriguez and Eric Goosby describe their experience as members of the Biden Covid-19 Task Force, which guided the early days of the new administration’s response to the pandemic. The session is moderated by UCSF Department of Medicine chair Bob Wachter.