The monthly CFAR Seminar Series brings together the UCSF CFAR community to hear important updates in HIV science from world-class HIV researchers and local early stage investigators. The seminar will vary in format and will include external and internal speakers. For now, the CFAR seminar series will usually be held once monthly, online via Zoom from 9am-10am on the first Wednesday of every month. Of note, this follows HIV Grand Rounds (from the Division of HIV, ID and Global Medicine) for those of you attend.
CFAR Science Spotlight
Every other month, following the CFAR Seminar, we will host a Science Spotlight on one of our CFAR Affiliates from 10am-11am.
January CFAR Seminar: 40 Years of Research from W86 to Improve HIV Care
December CFAR Seminar: World AIDS Day Interview with Dr. Eric Goosby
Presented by the AIDS Research Institute at UCSF, UCSF-Bay Area Center for AIDS Research, UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) & Prevention Research Center (PRC), and HIV Grand Rounds/HIVIDGM.
November CFAR Seminar: Keith Horvath with ESI Jose Gutierrez
October CFAR Seminar: Spotlight on the new CFAR and the CFAR Scholars' Presentations
CFAR Spotlight on the Newly Renewed UCSF-Bay Area Center for AIDS Research
The UCSF-Bay Area CFAR (Center for AIDS Research), funded by NIH since 1987, began its 35th year in September. Our Director, Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, and the Directors and Leadership of our five funded Cores and two Scientific Working Groups will talk about new themes, aims, and plans for CFAR’s next five years. We’ll highlight ongoing and new CFAR core services and programs + how we can support you and your research!
September CFAR Seminar: Shannon Hader with ESI Speaker, Pam Murnane
Special CFAR Seminar: Q&A on mRNA Vaccines with Dr. Barney Graham
June CFAR Seminar: José A. Bauermeister with ESI Speaker, Hyman Scott
May CFAR Seminar: Ann Ginsberg with ESI Speaker, Sara Suliman + CFAR Spotlight on DEM
May's CFAR Seminar is Co-Sponsored with the UCSF Center for TB.
April CFAR Seminar: Carlos Del Rio with ESI Speaker Jennifer Jain + CFAR Excellence Awardees