Sara Moron-Lopez, PhD
Infectious diseases research, especially on HIV field, has been my passion since I started my degree. I received my PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine from Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). During my PhD I developed an interest in HIV persistence, its establishment, and how different treatments (such latency-reversing agents, vaccination, checkpoint inhibitors, etc.) can impact the HIV reservoir in vivo. Some of my research goals include understanding HIV persistence, trying to develop new techniques to quantify the HIV reservoir and new therapeutic strategies to neutralize or delay viral rebound after ART interruption. I am also interested in generating a collaborative translational scientific research community, explaining research to non-scientific public, and educating people about HIV/AIDS and the current research.
CFAR Awards
- Mentored Scientist Award, SpringAward Mentor:JosephWong, MD