Parya Saberi, PharmD
Parya Saberi, PharmD, MAS is an Assistant Professor at the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies in the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. She is also an HIV Clinical Pharmacist at Ward 86 (Positive Health Program) at San Francisco General Hospital. Dr. Saberi's is funded by the National Institute of Mental Health through a K23 Mentored Patient-oriented Research Career Development Award. Her current area of research includes adapting technology-based strategies to improve antiretroviral adherence and engagement in HIV Care among HIV-positive youth. These methods include social networking technologies, video-conferencing tools, and text messaging. Additionally, she is involved in the development of an index of engagement in HIV care as well as research regarding retention and adherence to HIV care in South Africa.
CFAR Awards
- Mentored Scientist Award, SpringAward Mentor:CarolCamlin, PhD, MPH
- Mentored Scientist Award, SpringAward Mentor:MalloryJohnson, PhD