Felicia Chow, MD

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Felicia Chow, MD

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Associate Professor, School of Medicine
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Dr. Felicia Chow is a board-certified neurologist and neuro-infectious diseases physician who specializes in caring for patients with a wide range of neurological infections, including brain abscesses, neurocysticercosis, neurosyphilis, neurological complications of HIV and infectious causes of meningitis, encephalitis and myelitis. She directs the UCSF Neuro-Infectious Diseases Clinic on the Parnassus campus and also sees patients at San Francisco General Hospital. Dr. Chow has an active clinical research program focused on the epidemiology and pathogenesis of neurological complications of infections (e.g., cerebrovascular disease in HIV), with the goal of developing and implementing diagnostic tools and interventions to improve the outcomes of patients with neuro-infectious diseases worldwide. In addition, she is involved in global health education and mentorship for neurology trainees interested in the field of global health, coordinating international experiences for residents and supporting the development of their scholarly projects. Dr. Chow earned her undergraduate degree from Columbia University and MD from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She completed an internship in internal medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital followed by a residency in neurology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital, where she was selected to serve as chief resident. She completed fellowship training in neuro-infectious diseases and HIV neurology and earned an MAS in clinical research from UCSF. Dr. Chow is an Associate Professor of Neurology and has a joint appointment in the Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases. She is a member of the American Academy of Neurology, American Neurological Association, Infectious Diseases Society of America and HIV Medicine Association.
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