Alexandra Teng, MD
Dr. Teng did her undergraduate training at Harvard University. During this time, she did her Senior Honors Thesis with Dr. Lukas Rieppel to investigate the role of the WHO Committee on eradication of Malaria. Jay also worked as a research assistant at UCSF in the Orthopedic Surgery Department with Dr. Benjamin Ma to evaluate the use of novel MRI modalities to detect development of osteoarthritis in the knee. Both of these studies were funded by Harvard College Research Program grant. After graduation, Jay worked in the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF with Dr. Jeff Belkora and collaborated on several different studies. In this role she learned to analyze data and launch new programs. First, Jay worked with Dr. Kevin Bozic to design and implement a decision support program in the orthopedic clinic.
She also worked with Dr. Rob Foster on studies to evaluate patient breast reconstruction decisions. She is coauthor on 4 publications based on this work in Patient Education and Counseling 2011, 2012, Journal of Cancer Education 2012 and J Med Internet Research 2012 and presented her work at international meetings. Jay then came to UCSF for medical school and worked with the Global Health Group on Antimalarial Studies with Dr. Feachem and Dr. Smith Gueye on a project that was funded by the UCSF Dean’s Summer Fellowship. She analyzed data and helped with manuscript preparation and is coauthor on a paper in the Malaria Journal published in 2012. During medical school, Jay also worked with Dr. Andy Josephson in the Department of Neurology on a protocol for hypothermic cooling.
She is interested in HIV/AIDS research, in particular cardiovascular disease and its mechanism in HIV/AIDS patients. It is becoming clear that inflammation plays a key role in the risk of and progression of cardiovascular disease, and this is likely a major factor in the pathogenesis of elevated CVD risk in HIV patients. I am in my third year of my clinical cardiology fellowship with the hopes of advancing my skills in study design and execution over the course of this year.
CFAR Awards
- Mentored Scientist Award, SpringAward Mentor:PriscillaHsue, MD