Symposium / Conference / Workshop

2023 Women and HIV Symposium

Women and HIV across the Lifespan

The goal of the Inter-CFAR Women and HIV Symposium is to identify gaps in knowledge in HIV and women’s research and develop strategies that will move the field forward. In order to accomplish this goal, we aim to generate collaborative activity between CFARs and other research networks, highlighting cutting-edge science and promoting opportunities for early career investigators.

Funding Acknowledgement: 

This meeting is supported by grant R13HD113489 with funding from U.S. National Institutes of Health institutes: NICHD, NIAID, and NIDDK.  The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Funding was also contributed by the UCSF-Bay Area CFAR (P30 AI027763) and the UAB CFAR (P30 AI027767), with additional travel support provided directly to attendees by their CFARs. 

Conference Code of Conduct: 

We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all attendees at the 2023 Women and HIV Symposium. We expect all attendees to conduct themselves professionally, respectfully, and in accordance with our Conference Code of Conduct

Session 1: Reproductive Health and HIV: From Policy to Practice

The US Perinatal Guidelines on Breastfeeding with HIV 

Session Leaders: Lauren Suchman (UCSF); Dominika Seidman (UCSF)

Link to presentation videos: Session 1: Reproductive Health and HIV: From Policy to Practice

Session 2: Antiretroviral Therapy and Metabolism in the era of INSTIs: Sex and Gender Differences

Session 4: NIH HIV and Women Research Priorities and Wrap-up

Session Leader: Maria Alcaide (Miami) & Kate Powis (Harvard)

Link to presentation video: Session 4: NIH HIV and Women Research Priorities and Wrap-up

Renee Heffron, MPH, PhD
Professor of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Director, UAB Center for AIDS Research
César Cadabes
Community Engagement and Communications Program Analyst