Sophy Wong, MD
Associate Clinical Professor, School of Medicine, UCSF
Email: Sophy.Wong@ucsf.edu
Sophy S. Wong, M.D. is an HIV specialist and internist caring for people and supporting systems of care in the East Bay of California. She trained as an intern, resident and fellow at UCSF’s San Francisco General Hospital, working with the AIDS Consult service and providing care for people in the Bay Area as well as globally in Kenya, Tanzania and China. She serves as the medical director for the Bay Area and North Coast AETC and HIV ACCESS, and as the clinical advisor for the Get East Bay Tested! and Alameda County Hepatitis C Capacity Building Projects. Her work focuses on implementation science, translating evidence-based practices into sustainable services and health care access for vulnerable populations through training, capacity building and quality improvement for HIV and hepatitis prevention, testing, linkage, and treatment services in community health centers and public hospitals.