Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen


Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen, PhD
Associate Professor | Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center | The Wistar Institute
Wistar Associate Professor | Department of Microbiology | Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania 
Co-director, Virus and Reservoirs Core | Penn Center for AIDS Research

Dr. Abdel-Mohsen, an Associate Professor at the Wistar Institute and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. He leads a research team that merges glycoimmunology and virology to study how the host glycosylation machinery regulates immunological signals during viral infections. Their work, published in over 80 publications over the last few years, has yielded several mechanistic insights and glyco-immunotherapeutic tools to address a range of immune-centric and/or aging-related diseases, including viral infections.