Susan Newcomer, PhD

Susan Newcomer, PhD

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Health Science Administrator, National Institutes of Health
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Susan Newcomer retired from the NIH in May of 2017 after 29 years in the Population Dynamics Branch of NICHD. While there she managed a portfolio of research on contraceptive use, sexual behavior, HIV prevention and domestic violence. She describes her job as being a “expert bureaucrat.” In addition to advising potential applicants about grant writing, and guiding those who did get awards through the NIH processes, she worked to develop program announcements and RFAs, including a set of partnership infrastructure development awards to universities in countries hard hit by the AIDS epidemic. Before joining NIH she was the National Director of Education for PPFA. She has a 1983 Ph.D. in social demography from UNC-Chapel Hill, an MS in educational administration from Iowa State University and a BA in psychology from Barnard. Her earlier jobs included selling postcards at the Metropolitan Museum, teaching English as a second language in Taiwan, running a daycare center at Stanford and directing a YWCA in Iowa. She now lives with her daughter and two teenage granddaughters in Fraser Colorado.

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