Judy Eliachar, MA
Judy has devoted most of her career to working with the residents of low-income housing programs, both at the Department of Housing & Urban Development and the Housing Authorities of the cities of Oakland and Alameda. She has worked as a federal program monitor, public housing manager and program representative with the Section 8/Housing Voucher program. She developed and coordinated the Oakland Housing Authority’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program (a welfare-to-work incentive program) and Family Unification Program (Vouchers with case management support for reunifying families in the child welfare system).
Judy has a M.A. in Counseling Psychology with a specialization in Addiction Studies and is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (retired). As an LMFT, she worked with pregnant/parenting teens and at-risk children and their families, both as a school-based clinician and as a provider of therapeutic home visitation services.
Since 2016, she has been the Coordinator of the AIDS Housing Information Project, which provides housing and resource referrals and ongoing support, including advocacy and housing navigation assistance, to HOPWA-eligible PLWH via a designated phone line and site visits to clinics and AIDS Service Organizations. AHIP also assists homeless PLWH in navigating the Alameda County Coordinated Entry System and accessing homelessness services.