Christopher Gordon, PhD
Dr. Christopher Gordon is the Chief of the HIV Treatment and Translational Science Branch at the Division of AIDS Research at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), where he has worked since 2000. His primary sets of responsibilities involve development of new programmatic foci and initiatives, administration of currently funded research, and building scientific collaborations among other institutes, agencies, and community/clinical sites. Dr. Gordon coordinates the Division of AIDS Research activities in Dissemination and Implementation research. Dr. Gordon is also a member of the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) Behavioral Science Working Group, the NIH Centers for AIDS Research program steering committee, and the NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Coordinating Committee. Dr. Gordon trained as a clinical psychologist at Syracuse University and interned at Brown University. Before coming to NIMH, he worked as a project director for a study which aimed to reduce risk for HIV and substance use problems among persons living with severe mental illness, and was a co-investigator on NIAAA-funded research to better understand the role of alcohol use in the context of sexual risk and relationship decision making. Dr. Gordon has published work on HIV prevention among those with mental disorders, prevention for persons living with HIV, and HIV treatment adherence.