Chongyi Wei, DrPH, MA

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Chongyi Wei,DrPH, MA

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Assistant Professor
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Dr. Chongyi Wei is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. He received his doctorate degree and post-doctoral training in the Department of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. Dr. Wei’s primary research focuses on the epidemiology and prevention of HIV/AIDS among men who have sex with men (MSM) in China/Asia and in the US.

In China/Asia, Dr. Wei’s research focuses on creating innovative strategies to increase HIV testing uptake among MSM and improve access to care and treatment and reduce sexual risk taking among HIV-infected MSM. He is PI/Co-PI of NIH-funded studies to increase HIV testing uptake and strengthen linkage to care among MSM in three provinces in China. He also has on-going research projects with Shandong University/China, University of North Carolina’s China Program, and Jiangsu Provincial CDC/China. These projects involve behavioral epidemiology of HIV/AIDS among MSM and transgender women, and intervention feasibility and efficacy studies targeting MSM and ethnic minority women.

In the US, Dr. Wei focuses on racial/ethnic disparities of HIV among MSM. He has been collaborating with the San Francisco Department of Public Health on several projects including examining racial/ethnic differences and trends in sero-adaptive behaviors among MSM in San Francisco, the effectiveness of recruitment strategies to reach African American MSM for HIV prevention research, and protective factors or resilience among Asia/Pacific Islander MSM.

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