Carl Grunfeld, MD, PhD

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Carl Grunfeld, MD, PhD

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Member, CFAR Scientific Council
Professor, School of Medicine
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Our laboratory studies the metabolic disturbances that occur during infection. Our major focuses are changes in lipid metabolism and energy balance. Using intact animals, we determine the physiological consequences of the host response to infection and define the cytokine mediators. We then determine the underlying cellular and molecular basis for these changes using both in vivo animal studies and cultured cells. For example, we have identified regulation in the activity of lipid synthesizing enzymes and related proteins that occurs at the level of transcription or post translation. For transcriptional regulation, the response elements and transactivating factors are then defined. Transgenic mouse models are developed to define the roles of key molecules in the host response.

Our laboratory has shown that many of the metabolic changes are part of host defense and not detrimental. We have shown that lipoproteins induced during the host response to infection scavenge toxic bacterial fragments such as LPS and LTA. We have defined the molecules involved in their neutralization.

With regard to energy balance, we determined the mechanisms that induce wasting in AIDS. We also developed specific therapies. We have recently identified a candidate for the molecule that generates fever during the response to infection: Uncoupling Protein 2 (UCP2).

Primary Thematic Area:
Vascular & Cardiac Biology
Secondary Thematic Area:
Research Summary:
Metabolic Changes and the Host Response to Infection
User Profile Bio

Displaying 301 - 305 of 305

  1. Grunfeld C, Sherman BM, Cavalieri RR. The acute effects of human growth hormone administration on thyroid function in normal men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1988 Nov; 67(5):1111-4.
  2. Grunfeld C, Verdier JA, Neese R, Moser AH, Feingold KR. Mechanisms by which tumor necrosis factor stimulates hepatic fatty acid synthesis in vivo. J Lipid Res. 1988 Oct; 29(10):1327-35.
  3. Feingold KR, Soued M, Grunfeld C. Tumor necrosis factor stimulates DNA synthesis in the liver of intact rats. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1988 Jun 16; 153(2):576-82.
  4. Holewski JJ, Stess RM, Graf PM, Grunfeld C. Aesthesiometry: quantification of cutaneous pressure sensation in diabetic peripheral neuropathy. J Rehabil Res Dev. 1988; 25(2):1-10.
  5. Williams ML, Monger DJ, Rutherford SL, Hincenbergs M, Rehfeld SJ, Grunfeld C. Neutral lipid storage disease with ichthyosis: lipid content and metabolism of fibroblasts. J Inherit Metab Dis. 1988; 11(2):131-43.