NIAID HIV Language Guide (April 2024)

May 14, 2024
CFAR Special Update

Dear CFAR community,

NIAID – after much advocacy- has made changes in the language expected of us as researchers to use in grant sand papers.  The language should be people first and respectful. This guide is meant to reduce any stigma related to the language we use as researchers. Pleaser review carefully and we can discuss at our next seminar briefly. 

Thank you,



NIAID HIV Language Guide

NIAID is making every effort to eliminate the use of stigmatizing terminology and advance the use of person-first, inclusive, and respectful language. This updated HIV Language Guide (May 2024) is an important step toward that end. This resource is applicable to all communications, including but not limited to grant applications, contracts, publications, presentations, abstracts, and press materials. 

It should be noted that the NIAID HIV Language Guide has relevance beyond HIV. It includes language related to other areas of research, diseases and conditions, gender and sexuality, general research terminology, and more. NIAID urges all staff, collaborating researchers, and stakeholders to review the Language Guide and make use of it for all written and oral communications.  

Download the NIAID HIV Language Guide