Housing Scientific Working Group

CFAR Housing & HIV SWG Seminar - Naltrexone for Stimulant and Alcohol Use

Glenn-Milo Santos, PhD, MPH and Caitlin Turner, MPH

Headshot of Glenn-Milo Santos

Glenn-Milo Santos, PhD


Glenn-Milo Santos, PhD, MPH is a Professor in the Department of Community Health Systems and the Division of Prevention Science at the University of California, San Francisco, and Senior Research Scientist at the San Francisco Department of Public Health. He is also the Co-Director of the NIMH-funded Traineeship for AIDS Prevention Studies (TAPS) postdoctoral fellowship, and the NINR-funded Next Generation Nursing Scientists Ending the HIV Epidemic fellowship. Additionally, Dr. Santos is the Co-Director of the Substance Use Program of Research in the Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) at UCSF. His research focuses on the intersection between substance use and HIV, and the development of novel interventions to improve the health of key populations at risk for HIV.

Dr. Santos will share results from a randomized trial on targeted naltrexone for mild to moderate alcohol use disorder. He will also introduce an ongoing trial on targeted naltrexone for methamphetamine use disorder. 


Headshot of Caitlin Turner

Caitlin Turner, MPH

Caitlin M. Turner (she/her), MPH is a PhD candidate in Epidemiology and Translational Science at University of California, San Francisco, conducting research with the San Francisco Department of Public Health under the supervision of Dr. Glenn-Milo Santos. Caitlin's research portfolio centers methodological considerations for evaluating social and other determinants of alcohol use, substance use, and mental health disparities for sexual and gender minority communities (NIH NIAAA # F31AA030722-01A1).  

Caitlin will share results from a secondary analysis of longitudinal associations between alcohol and other substance use and interactions with naltrexone among sexual and gender minority men with mild to moderate alcohol use disorder. 



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Password: 060944 

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