Symposium / Conference / Workshop

The First Annual Inter-CFAR Meeting of Underrepresented Minority (URM) HIV Investigators


This meeting of URM investigators will focus on barriers to, and leverage points for, URM-led nationally coordinated and collaborative multidisciplinary HIV research - a mission of the CFAR. This is a one-of-a-kind network opportunity for CFAR-affiliated URM investigators conducting high-impact HIV research.


This meeting is tied to the Annual Mentoring the Mentors (MTM) Workshop (October 11th and 12th), which is a 2-day workshop led by Dr. Monica Gandhi on tools for how you can become more effective mentors, especially to trainees who are from historically-excluded groups. If you have not attended the MTM workshop, please consider attending this mentor workshop as well. You are not required to attend this workshop but priority and scholarships will be given to individuals who would like to attend both the Inter-CFAR Meeting and the MTM Workshop. Read about the MTM Workshop here - Link

Who is the meeting for?

Investigators who: 1) are considered URM (of any rank), 2) are located at, or affiliated with, a CFAR, 3) are active in HIV research, and 4) are interested in building collaborations and identifying strategies to support URM-led research can attend.

What is the goal of the meeting?

We want to build academic research environments that allow URM investigators to thrive. We plan to focus on identifying strategies to collaborate and share insights on how to address the unique barriers URMs face that impede on research success. These barriers include microaggressions, racism, feeling isolated in their institutions, tokenism, and lack of opportunities to collaborate. Sharing insights from our collective experiences and expertise can serve as a roadmap for success for each other and future investigators.

Application Process

There is a limit in the total number of persons who can attend this in-person meeting. Please complete the following steps if you are interested in attending. You will be asked to indicate if you plan to attend the MTM Workshop, if you have already completed the MTM Workshop, or if you are opting out of attending the MTM Workshop.

Step 1 - Please email Dr. John Sauceda to indicate your interest in attending –

  • Subject Line: Inter-CFAR URM Planning Meeting in SF
  • Simply state your interest in attending, and whether you're interested in staying for the Mentoring the Mentors meeting if we can confirm space.
  • Please attach your most recent NIH Biosketch or CV indicating your interest in the meeting to both John Sauceda ( and Joseph Watabe at
Step 2 – The UCSF CFAR will email you a brief application form via an online survey to complete.


There are scholarships available to cover the cost of travel and lodging to support airfare/hotel for selected applicants. Investigators interested in applying for a travel and lodging scholarship should also send a recent CV along with a cover letter indicating your interest in the meeting to both John Sauceda ( and Joseph Watabe at

Registrants accepted to participate in the meeting and the MTM workshop will be notified by email by September 19, 2022.


Lodging costs will be covered by the meeting organizers. We have arranged a limited number of rooms at a Group Rate at a local hotel.


Breakfast and lunch will be provided on both days of the workshop and a group dinner will also be provided at a local San Francisco restaurant the evening of October 10th 2022.


For out-of-town participants, we will arrange transport assistance between the workshop hotel and the workshop venue. Exact details of that assistance will be provided to selected participants in a separate email. For ground transportation between your hotel and the airport, convenient taxis or other rideshare services are available at the airport at rates of $45-$55, and Super Shuttle is available for shared transit at a cost of approximately $20. No advance reservation for taxi or Super Shuttle is necessary on arrival in San Francisco, although reservation will be required for return to the airport on Super Shuttle.

UCSF Coronavirus Safety Guidelines

All participants must adhere to UCSF Coronavirus Safety guidelines active at the time of the meeting. Currently, these include providing proof of full vaccination (including a booster if eligible), wearing a face-covering indoors, and completing and being cleared with a daily health screening. We have also reserved an outdoor space immediately adjacent to the meeting room where meals will be served and eaten, and the doors can be kept open to facilitate air circulation within the meeting room.

UCSF COVID-19 Event Policy

Planning Committee