Monthly Seminar Series

January CFAR Seminar: Michael Mugavero MD, MHSc

Keynote: Speaker: Michael J. Mugavero, MD, MHSc

Ending HIV in Alabama: A Work in Progress

Michael Mugavero, MD, MHSc, is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Co-Director of the UAB Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), Director of the UAB Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education (COERE), and Director of the Training Academy for the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS). His HIV health services research program evaluates the influence of socio-behavioral and contextual factors spanning the HIV care continuum, with particular expertise in care engagement. Dr. Mugavero’s major scientific contributions include conceptual frameworks, measurement and monitoring considerations, correlates and consequences, and theory-based intervention development and evaluation spanning a status neutral HIV care continuum. He is also a dedicated mentor, currently serving as primary mentor for 3 NIH K23 awardees, and PI of a T32 health services research training grant from AHRQ.

Ending HIV in Alabama: A Work in Progress


ESI Speaker: Andrew D. Kerkhoff, MD, PhD, MSc

Evaluating patients' preferences for improving TB diagnostic services in Zambia: a discrete choice experiment

Dr. Andrew D. Kerkhoff, MD, PhD, MSc, is an infectious disease physician, HIV primary care provider and third year research fellow in the Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine, at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital at the University of California, San Francisco. His long-standing research interest is in the evaluation of tools and approaches to improve the diagnosis of HIV-associated tuberculosis (TB). His current research is based in Zambia in collaboration with the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ), and seeks to apply implementation science methods to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of TB case finding and diagnostic strategies in resource-limited settings.