Dear HIV Community,
The new UCSF CFAR leadership would like to announce the launch of a new monthly CFAR seminar series! This seminar will vary in format and will include external speakers when appropriate. For now, CFAR Seminars will be held in the Carr Auditorium at ZSFG from 9:00-10:00 am the first Wednesday of every month (when not conflicting with holidays). Of note, this follows HIV Grand Rounds (from the Division of HIV, ID and Global Medicine) for those of you who attend.
For the inaugural seminar, we are very honored that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID, will be speaking on “Ending the HIV Pandemic: From Science to Implementation.” Our inaugural event will run from 8:30 am to 10:30 am.
More details, including a registration link and an “Add to Calendar” button, can be found at the event page. Room capacity is limited, so please register soon if you’d like to attend in person (a Zoom option is also available)!
Thank you for your support of this event and we look forward to seeing you there!
Monica Gandhi, CFAR Director
Peter Hunt, CFAR Co-Director (basic/translational)
Mallory Johnson, CFAR Co-Director (social/behavioral)
Lauren Sterling, CFAR Associate Director