Breakfast Served at 8:15AM
Presentation of the ARI Award for Outstanding Research Mentorship
Carol S. Camlin, PhD, MPH
Professor in Residence, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences
University of California, San Francisco
Economic empowerment and adolescent HIV prevention: innovations in theory, measurement, and interventions
Waru Gichane, PhD, MSPH (mentored by Dr. Carol Camlin)
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences
University of California, San Francisco
HIV, Addiction, Overdose: Running Toward the Syndemic Fire in 2025
Ayesha Appa, MD
Assistant Professor, Clinical Lead, Health Access Point (HAP) at Ward 86
Division of HIV, ID, and Global Medicine
UCSF Infectious Diseases & Addiction Medicine