SCOPTIONS Meeting 4/23/2024

Erika Marques de Menezes (Norris Lab)
Online Location

Hybrid: Zoom + DEM/ZSFG @ PRIDE HALL (Room 1930-1st floor)

Meeting ID: 953 8629 8788 
Password: 602257 
One tap mobile (iPhone) 
+16699006833,,95386298788#,,,,1#,,602257# US (San Jose) 
+12133388477,,95386298788#,,,,1#,,602257# US (Los Angeles)

SCOPTIONS meetings are an opportunity for junior investigators doing basic/translational HIV research (mostly using samples from people with HIV enrolled in the SCOPE/Options cohorts) to present their work and get feedback from a diverse audience of HIV investigators across UCSF (and some friends from ~ around the Bay!). We like lots of discussion :) Feel free to bring early data, grant Aims, ideas for collaborations, etc - the meetings are meant for open discussion, and the expectation is that data will not be shared outside of the meeting presentations.