Implementation Science Interest Group

Ethical Considerations Around COVID-19 Adaptations

Part 2 of a 4-part Implementation Science Panel Series on Adapting HIV and Other Interventions to Distance Models and Interruptions in Times of COVID-19

This panel will discuss ethical implications of adapting a trial mid-project to the changing realities of the COVID-19 era. Challenges include: balancing the ethical requirements to protect research participants and staff from COVID against the need to address structural, social, and psychological vulnerabilities that drive health disparities; maximizing protections for the most vulnerable of participants when interactions with them are limited to remote contact; and weighing ethical considerations when intervention and trial protocols must be altered due to the changing circumstances of the COVID pandemic.

Speakers: Bill Woods, Judy Tan, Invited IRB Members and Staff

Hosted by the Interventions and Implementation-Science (I&I) Core, UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
Co-sponsored by the UCSF CFAR Implementation Science Working Group, UCSF Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics Implementation Science Program and PRISE Center
