Implementation Science Interest Group

Data Analysis Considerations for Studies Spanning the Pre-COVID and During-COVID Eras

Part 3 of a 4-part Implementation Science Panel Series on Adapting HIV and Other Interventions to Distance Models and Interruptions in Times of COVID-19

This panel will focus on research methods for moving platforms, and mid-study moves to digital implementation. Topics discussed will include: dealing with interruptions in behavioral trials with longitudinal collection of quantitative data, including biomarkers; changes in data collection / analytic techniques; analytic issues associated with technology; consideration of alternative research questions and corresponding modeling approaches; addressing analytical issues about study completion and exposure. (Co-sponsored by CAPS Methods Core)

Speakers: Tor Neilands, Steve Gregorich, Chuck McCulloch

Hosted by the Interventions and Implementation-Science (I&I) Core, UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
Co-sponsored by the UCSF CFAR Implementation Science Working Group, UCSF Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics Implementation Science Program and PRISE Center
