- Gabi Fragiadakis, PhD
- Sulggi Lee, MD, PhD
The mission of the new Bioinformatics Subcore is to collaborate with HIV investigators on data analysis and empower HIV researchs to engage with their data through consulting, workshops, and resources, and to create a community of computationally-oriented HIV researchers.
Services & Approach
- Bioinformatics support -- the team is scaling up, but contact Gabi Fragiadakis for information or support.
- Embedded scholar model to expand bioinformatics capacity across labs
- Monthly Multi-omics Interest Group meetings

How to get involved
These two CFAR-supported interest groups welcome participation:
- SCOPTIONS Meetings: Contact Rachel Rutishauser for schedule and information
- Multi-omics Interest Group Monthly Meetings: Contact Sulggi Lee
Gabriela Fragiadakis, PhD
CFAR Bioinformatics Subcore Co-Director
Sulggi Lee, MD, PhD
CFAR Bioinformatics Subcore Co-Director
Al Latif, MS
Bioinformatician, CFAR Bioinformatics Subcore